sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010


Traiesc fenomenul de anestezie constienta
Nu pot cere ajutor.
Un fenomen distrugator,plin de masacre
Din amintiri avortate,pierdute in noapte.

In sicriul albastru,intens din priviri
Cutremurator si sihastru,scaldat in uimiri
Lasa-ma demon,lasa-ma negru
Nu schimba istoria,nu schimba timpul
Pastila dizolvata in organismul de foc
Lancea albastra si vantul nerod
Desert rosu si frig in crapaturi
Ma lupt cu linistea,cu mine insumi.

Ma urmareste un sarpe,un inger si un drog
Multimea se-nvarte in mormanturi de foc
Si coltii galbeni intrand in ochi
Te iau de sotie,ma iei de sot.

Distrug inauntru cu o coada argintie
In final ma ridic,ma predau mie.
Ma seaca vampirismul."Ma seci,Lestat!"
Sunt mai mare ca tine,demon,nu drac.

Satanismul ajungand la mare faima
Te astept ubito sa ti-o trag in taina.
Si-astept cu dor curat in gradina
Unde ti-am pregatit un poem si-o ghilotina.

Pietrele arunca sange
Sunt stropite de minciuna (ea frange)
Marele Rege al Terorii nu e idolatrizat
Lucifer e mai mare,mai futut si mai crapat.

Miraje vii si intunecate
Acolo unde te-au lasat,
Spiritele moarte adorm pe-o cioara
Acolo unde te-au sapat.

Draga,cand te vad mi se excita retina...
Ce-ar trebui sa fac?A cui e vina?
Cand beau sange te simt pe tine
Iti beau fluidul dulce,iti beau saliva.

Esti inchisa la minte?
Nu-i nimic.Ti-o deschid eu.
Cu un fier fierbinte?Cu un macrometru?
Anonim in viata,traind la centimetru.

Pervers.Tentat.Crima si pacat
Nu om.demon.
Its crap capul in doua cu toporul.
Apoi imi bag cheia si pornesc motorul.
Traiesc fenomenul de anestezie constienta.
Despina placere in vantul puternic
Ma formez,ma transform,ma despic
Iar cei e ridica pe Satana,"sa v-o-nfing"

M-am emotionat.Din nou.
Vazandu-te pe tine.
Iti dau o privire,apoi ma uit la lume.

Ce sa iubesc mai mult?
Ambele parti imi ofera ascultare.
Dar,desigur,draga,nu poti vorbi.
Ti-am cusut gura,poti doar sa scrii.
Asa ca scrie-mi mie,
Iubitul tau,dezgustator
Amducios.The fucking fucker.
Al tau.

Lacome vene,de intra-n tine
Ai ceva ce nu gasesc altundeva
Imi permit sa visez?
Sa incep sa fredonez?
Realitate absurda,mediocritate.Oamenii.
Scriu?E un reflex.
Incerc sa-mi scriu existenta.
Rationez prin nesimtire,scarbosenie
Evadez din inchisoarea mea,pentru tine.

Ma tem de singuratate,draga mea.
De draq shi altu care-mi bate-n spate.
Ma inghionteste lui sa-i scriu.
Despre el,despre domnia lui.

Mi-e frica de pixuri.
Mi-e teama ca ma vor inghiti.
Incerc sa ma adun.
Sa ma-ncalzesc.Nu ma supun.
Dar in lumea asta,respir ignoranta
Nimeni nu mai stie ce e aia "creanta"
Nimeni nu mai stie ce amuzamentul.
Arta.Placerea.Cireasa si mierea.
Cerul si Pamantul.Noroiul din dinti.
De ce?

La sfarsitul acestor ganduri,te am pe tine.
Regina a intunericului.Regina mie.
Cand furtuna ineaca orasul,
Tu ineaca-ma pe mine.
Tot mai mult gemi sunete sadice.
Dragoste fara nume.
Asta simt eu pentru tine?
Sunt pierdut in mintiri.
Sunt un idiot,stiu.
Totul me enerveaza.Ma macina.
Dar nu spun nimic.
Inca mi-e frica de ea.

Amducios,the destroyer

The tales of the night
The crucial scale
Where people murder
For pleasure and despair.

Amducios,the demon,
The female body thief
The savage,the ravishment
The cuteness,the cutting
The splendid morbidness.
I've medicated myself again
Using you.But the feelings got in the way.
I've turned you upside down
I am slipping under.

I see the devil.I am his cruciate .
Send me to my grave.Right this lovely night.
Rip my heart out.Eat my lungs.
My beautiful liver and world's lies.

Amducios.It creeps up my spine
Takes over my mind.

One more word and he'll cut out your eyes
The shadows of past and all of his brides
The candles stretching over him
Their weakness.Their pain.Their sperm.

The lullaby the brides sang to him
Drove him insane.
The battle of looks got all the blame.

"Keep your hands from my throat!"
"Dont come near me!"
The silent scene swallows the sickness.
All of the surroundings and the bitterness.
He gain strength
But somewhere he fears.He fears of me.
Isn't it nice?

Beauty through broken glass

Hey,mister,interpreter of condolence
Leading my thoughts from pain,and agony
Fuck,how much i'd like to raise your hand
To steal your kiss and wrap your heart
You,desperate angel,looking for pleasure
Don't look at me,you are in danger
It's beauty through broken glass
Flashing stigmata,a real untruth.

Singing in groans,fighting the sorrow
Living by the day,waiting for tomorrow
Blood on the snow,ruining my view
It's beauty through broken glass,its me and you.

We overcome the absence of freedom
While others judge us,dicks and bitches
This life i want to overcome
I am mean and i deserve to be,
Don't understand,don't get the me.

Surgery.To get my eyes out
Everybody wants them.I'd stop them from seeing
Chimik surgery.I'd put my body into yours
To see how it feels.
Lovely fragrance,lovely smile
Broken skin,in broken style
Necks break shopping,sex combination
Hurtful fucking,the next generation.

Stiched veins,unreachable links
Leave me alone,under these broken wings
I wanna fly,in broken swords
Pinches my stomach,right threw my bones

Yet i rot,yet i'm still pure.
Looking under my eyebrows
Drinking alcohol.
Smoking something i've never heard of.
My hair is damaged,yet,seldom
I have stayed under a tree in Heaven
Searching for salvation.
Drowned out in damnation
Take my hand,zip my blood from my wrists
It's like dope,it's like pot
It's like every fucking drug
It's sensual.It's creepy
It;s more then pleasure,sex and beauty.
Mirrors crushed in front of my face
I'm such a creature,I'm a disgrace
Hey,mister,lead me from here
I'm scared of this place,
This site of fear.
Darling,don't lie to me.Never.Don't!
I know how you lie,and i know how you dont
Sooner or later,could be a plot
Darling,your love is like wine..
Red wine.
I'm drowned in sins,I lust for time
Beauty through broken glass...
Black cigarettes .And red wine.

luni, 6 decembrie 2010

The reckless girl

The reckless girl stepped in his space
He looked at her with such disgrace
The waving turn took a wrong side
Now the reckless girl stands on his mind
His chest is filled with all these feelings
They're new,and weird
He feels like Scene Kids.
For what people may call "love",
He calls these trembles "Leah's thrones"
And for them,humans,that call "obsessive"
He calls it "bounding species".
And terror,and fear,for the little girl,indeed.
She was raped,and harmed,and didn't know,
That many dangerous things may come.
Eight months later,she wasn't a girl anymore.
She was a mother,and the bride for Mister Funeral.
Captive and scared,she kinda liked it.She slowly accepted her new life.And Mister Funeral was kind to her,and their little child was beautiful.A creature never seen before was born,"what a delightful story",he said to her.
      Then The Great King of Terror made his show!
Their love was impossible,as you may know,different worlds,and different times.Cuz when the true bride of Mister Funeral came home,it was a disaster,who knows what will come?And fury,and rage,and savage creature.Angry,and hungry,and excited of the idea of eating a human.She was a beast,a monster with red lips.She had no eyes,nor ears,nor face.But she ate that little girl,with pleasure and rage.She punished that Mister Funeral,her actually husband.By eating his feelings,making him a monster.Again.
     The baby lived.Who knows where he went? No one,nor creature has seen him.Or her.What this humble author may reveal to you,is that this child lives on a new world scale,and her name is Danielle.